Re-gassing is the term used for re-filling your air conditioning system with refrigerant, this is done by vacuuming out gas currently in system (this is measured) and once maintenance is carried out re-filling with the measured amount the vehicle should have according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Good practice is to have this carried out every two years, if you are not sure of anything please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.
We are very happy to undertake all repairs at Wilcan and in our experience the most common repair is the compressor or condenser this is generally a lengthy job as they are situated in positions that don’t have easy access, which is why we recommend regular use (even in winter) and regular servicing which can help prevent parts from seizing/deteriorating as much as you can for mechanical parts.
If you are not sure of anything please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.
The most common diagnostic process if it is unsure if your system is working is to pressure test the system with nitrogen and specific gauges, this shows if the system has any leaks, if it passes this test the system can be serviced and re-gassed, if not further tests are carried out. The most common fault is the compressor or condenser.
Good practice is to use you’re A/C regularly even through the winter otherwise components within the system are more likely to seize or fail. If you are not sure of anything please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.